The Monthlies

Women's Health

Protecting your Fertility with Herbs

When I treat patients from menarche to post natal I always think about how to protect a woman's fertility. Not just for their ability to conceive children but for their ability to conceive ideas too. Many women have problems conceiving with no known causes. These women won't have any disease but they're probably not in their utmost wellness. As such, I'd ask any woman; what are you doing to protect your fertility? 

  • Are you using contraceptives which don't interfere with your hormones?
  • Are you eating a diet rich in vegetables?
  • Are you balancing your blood sugar levels?
  • Are you keeping toxins like artificial chemical products to a minimum?
  • Do you stay active and take regular exercise?
  • Do you practice a self care routine?
  • Do you give yourself time to recover after times of stress?

The fertility awareness method is possibly the most in depth way of showing yourself care and protecting your fertility. To learn about that I'd recommend my ebook Well Woman. But here are some teas to help cultivate your fertility and creativity.

Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience
Rested Resilience

Rested Resilience


Wild Oats (Avena sativa) 

A great nourisher of the nervous system. This wonderful plant is rich in calcium magnesium, silicon, potassium, iron and vitamins. It helps you settle into yourself in a calm way. Through balancing stress and protecting thyroid function it reduces infertility. (No known cautions other than to avoid in gluten intolerance). Oat tops are included in our Rested Resilience latte.

Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops

Inner Goddess drops


Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) 

A wonderful tonic for all women. It tones the reproductive system helping to reduce heavy periods, period pains and diarrhoea. This herb helps you get back in contact with your reproductive system in a gentle and loving way. (Not recommended in the second trimester of pregnancy). Lady’s mantle is part of our Inner Goddess drops.

Dang gui (Angelica sinensis) 

It’s unusual that I mention herbs which are not native to the UK but this one grows here very nicely. I’ve grown it myself in the past. This wonderful plant has such a warming and fiery taste it’s great for supporting your creative fire. It balances hormones, tones the reproductive system, helps with suppressed periods and relieves menstrual cramps. A great help to most women but not always suited if you’re of a hot disposition. (Not recommended to anyone already on hormonal treatments).

Each of us is different and responds to the natural flow of our hormones differently. I'd like to invite you to learn about an amazing thing called the Fertility Awareness Method. It is a way you can discover all the microscopic signs your body gives about where your hormones are at. I've put together a free webinar to teach you the basics. Just fill out the form below. 

DISCLAIMER: Please don’t use any herbs featured on this website for medicinal reasons without contacting your health practitioner first.