The Forage Botanicals Podcast
Episode 6 - Hawthorn
This month we're looking at Hawthorn with Alexis Cunningfolk. I followed Alexis for months over instagram before meeting her in person. I visit LA to see family frequently and we got on like a house on fire. It was a real pleasure to record this episode, and hard to keep it any shorter than an hour!
Hawthorn is most well known for helping high blood pressure but we look at how Alexis has used it for lung problems and moving fluid from the body. We also talk about things which combine nicely with it and Hawthorn as a "guardian of the hinge".
Alexis' website
Lunar Apothecary
Juniper Ridge
Find Hawthorn in Forage Products
You can find Hawthorn in Premenstrual Peace Drops our tincture for a peaceful period.
You can find Hawthorn in Rested Resilience our magic rest powder.
Disclaimer: Don't forget to consult with a medical professional before using herbs as medicine. The information provided in the podcast is not intended to be used as medical advice.