The Monthlies
Health & Lifestyle
sustainable periods
Across our lifetime, we will dispose of approximately 15,000 single-use plastic sanitary pads or tampons. For years, the way we manage our period has involved using plastic sanitary pads - which are terrible for the environment. The plastic in pads, tampons and applicators that you use today will still be sitting in landfill hundreds of years from now. However, there is a much-needed shift happening globally towards low waste living and adopting sustainable menstrual practices.
Having a cuppa: mindfulness for beginners
This blog will guide you through mindful tea-drinking. Perfect for any Brit, or Brit-at-heart. Mindfulness helps us assess what advice is beneficial to us. We have become so bad at listening to our bodies. Confused by artificial lighting, elongated working hours, artificial foods and stimulants. We don’t even realise how much we’re ignoring our bodies just to live the average life. This meditation will reset you and help you bring mindfulness back into your life.
Keeping your skin safe in summer
As with most things health-related the more information we get on the matter the more confusing it all seems. I’m going to try and simplify what has become a mine field of information; skin care and sun lotion.
Why Herbal Advice on Facebook Sucks
I am a member of quite a few groups on Facebook which aim to help people find remedies for their illnesses; Herbal Medicine, Herbal and Alternitive Medicine (spelling intended), Advanced Herbal Science and herbHealtH to name a few. I love Facebook groups because they are a place I know I can talk about a particular subject with people who are interested in that particular thing, and we never come off that topic.
The Science of Slow Living
There is a lifestyle movement in the blogosphere which goes by the name of slow living. It promotes taking the time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life such as; the smell of air by the ocean, the glow of the sunset on a long summers day, the satisfaction of picking home-grown vegetables or making your own bread.
The Power of Togetherness
The desire to come together on varied occasions and connect with our friends, family, groups, community etc is culturally celebrated across the globe Some of you may well have already before heard that what I’m about to say next; In truth we are all connected cosmically.
3 Stages of Stress
Hans Selye (1907-1982) came up with a model for stress called general adaptation syndrome. This features 3 stages of stress each of which requires a different herbal treatment protocol. It's common for people to mis use herbs in self treatment because of this. Let's have a little look at the different stages and herbs for each.
Natural Remedies and Herbs for Corona Virus
There is a LOT that can be done to prevent the transmission of this virus without the need for any herbs or drugs. I’d recommend you familiarise yourself with that first and formost if you aren’t already.